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  • Innovative Local Designers Profile
  • Innovative Local Designers Profile
  • Innovative Local Designers Profile
  • Innovative Local Designers Profile
  • Innovative Local Designers Profile
  • Innovative Local Designers Profile
  • Innovative Local Designers Profile
  • Innovative Local Designers Profile

Innovative Local Designers Profile

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    [作者] PIE International
    [出版社] PIE International
    [圖書書號/ISBN] 9784756248565
    [出版日期] 2017
    [書籍頁數] 240
    [裝訂方式] 平裝

    在地文化的發展性,是現今全球各地最為在乎且加強規劃行銷的領域之一。INNOVATIVE LOCAL DESIGNERS PROFILES 網羅日本超過一百項知名設計師,書內依據日本地域分為六大章節,從北海道到沖繩,作品類型包含包裝、小冊子、廣告等在地風格,這一本書籍不僅提供設計師創意靈感,更深入介紹知名設計師聯絡訊息,值得喜愛設計的讀者參考與收藏。
    Check out these outstanding designs by the most talented local designers from Hokkaido to Okinawa.
      This new updated edition of ”Hot Local Designers Profiles” (2013) introduces more than 100 designers who are active in local areas throughout Japan. These talented designers create designs for various community-based projects, from branding local products to promoting regional tourism. Their works, including package designs, pamphlets, advertisements, and much more, have been getting a lot of attention recently, especially as design plays an increasingly important role in a wide range of publications and projects.
      Contents are grouped by local area and covers the length of Japan from Hokkaido to Okinawa. Each designer’s most successful works are included along with their contact information. This book is a useful reference not only for people who are involved in local projects who are looking for new designers, but also for designers who are looking for fresh inspiration.

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