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  • 希伯崙《日常生活一定要會的英語會話 (附2DVD-ROM)》

希伯崙《日常生活一定要會的英語會話 (附2DVD-ROM)》

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    2017-03-19 23:49 - 2017-04-18 23:49 截止
    单笔订单 300 包邮(不包邮地区:西藏、新疆、台湾、香港、澳门、海外)



    日常生活一定要會的英語會話 (附2DVD-ROM)


    作者  /  希伯崙

    出版社 / 希伯崙股份有限公司

    出版日期 / 2011/08/18

    商品語言 / 中/英對照

    裝訂 / 平裝

    ISBN 13 /9789866051050 
    ISBN 10 /9866051056 
    EAN /9789866051050

    頁數  496
    尺寸  17X22.5CM
    裝訂  平裝
    語言  中/英對照



    獨創全彩情境 學英語不再只靠想像 
    圖解 + 3-D動畫 真正做到邊聽、邊讀、邊看的功效 

    Travel and Sightseeing 觀光與旅遊篇 

    Life and Leisure 生活與休閒篇 

    Home and Campus Life 居家與校園篇 






    Preface 序 6 

    From the Editor 主編的話 10 

    User Guide 如何使用本書 18 

    如何使用光碟 22 

    觀光與旅遊篇 28 

    Section One 機場英語 29

    Picture Dictionary: At the Airport 圖解機場 30 

    Dialogue 1: Checking In 辦理登機手續 32 

    Dialogue 2: Security and Immigration 安檢和出入境 34 

    Dialogue 3: Boarding and Taking Off 登機和起飛 36 

    Dialogue 4: On the Plane 在飛機上 38 

    Dialogue 5: Buying Duty-free 購買免稅商品 40 

    Dialogue 6: Immigration 入境檢查 42 

    Dialogue 7: The Baggage-claim Area 行李提領處 44 

    Dialogue 8: Strange Customs 奇怪的海關檢查 46 

    Dialogue 9: At a Bank 在銀行換錢 48 

    A Step Further 延伸學習 50 

    Section Two 觀光英語 71 

    Picture Dictionary: A Tour 圖解旅行團 72 

    Dialogue 1: A Tour of the Arch of Triumph 凱旋門之旅 74 

    Dialogue 2: A Tour of the Eiffel Tower 艾菲爾鐵塔之旅 76 

    Dialogue 3: At an Art Museum 在美術館 78 

    Dialogue 4: An Evening Boat Tour on the Seine 夜遊塞納河 80 

    A Step Further 延伸學習 82 

    Section Three 飯店英語 97 

    Picture Dictionary: In a Hotel 圖解飯店 98 

    Dialogue 1: Checking In 登記住宿 100 

    Dialogue 2: Unpacking 整理行李 102 

    Dialogue 3: Getting Hotel Information 取得飯店資訊 104 

    Dialogue 4: Having Problems with the Room 房間有問題 106 

    Dialogue 5: Talking to the Concierge 跟服務台人員談談 108 

    Dialogue 6: Checking Out 退房 110 

    A Step Further 延伸學習 112 

    Section Four 餐廳英語 125 

    Picture Dictionary: In a Restaurant 圖解餐廳 126 

    Dialogue 1: Choosing a Restaurant 選擇餐廳 128 

    Dialogue 2: Getting a Table 找座位用餐 130 

    Dialogue 3: Ordering 點餐 132 

    Dialogue 4: Wrong Order 上錯菜 134 

    Dialogue 5: Ending the Meal 結束用餐 136 

    A Step Further 延伸學習 138 

    Section Five 問路英語 153 

    Picture Dictionary: On the Road 圖解馬路 154 

    Dialogue 1: Location 位置 156 

    Dialogue 2: Parts of Town 市區 158 

    Dialogue 3: Subway Directions 地鐵問路 160 

    Dialogue 4: Street Directions 街頭問路 162 

    A Step Further 延伸學習 164 

    Section Six 度假英語 173 

    Picture Dictionary: At the Beach 圖解海水浴場 174 

    Dialogue 1: Going to the Beach 到海邊玩 176 

    Dialogue 2: Fishing 釣魚 178 

    Dialogue 3: Sitting in the Sun 坐在陽光下 180 

    Dialogue 4: Walking on the Beach 海灘散步 182 

    Dialogue 5: Getting Swimming Lessons 上游泳課 184 

    Dialogue 6: Beach Volleyball 沙灘排球 186 

    Dialogue 7: Building a Sandcastle 蓋沙堡 188 

    Dialogue 8: Going Snorkeling 去浮潛 190 

    Dialogue 9: Having a Beach Barbecue 海灘烤肉 192 

    A Step Further 延伸學習 194 

    生活與休閒篇 204 

    Section Seven 購物英語 205 

    Picture Dictionary: A Clothing Store 圖解服飾店 206 

    Dialogue 1: A Big Sale 大特賣 208 

    Dialogue 2: Looking at Clothes 選購衣服 210 

    Dialogue 3: Finding the Right Style 找到合適的風格 212 

    Dialogue 4: Paying the Price 付錢 214 

    Dialogue 5: At the Mall 在購物中心 216 

    Dialogue 6: Asking the Price 詢問價錢 218 

    Dialogue 7: Paying for Clothes 付錢買衣服 220 

    Dialogue 8: Finding a Sale 尋找特賣會 222 

    Dialogue 9: Requesting a Shoe Size 詢問鞋子尺寸 224 

    A Step Further 延伸學習 226 

    Section Eight 找房子 239 

    Picture Dictionary: In an Apartment 圖解公寓 240 

    Dialogue 1: Choosing a Neighborhood 選擇居家環境 242 

    Dialogue 2: Apartment Hunting on Your Own 找窩靠自己 244 

    Dialogue 3: Looking at an Expensive Apartment 看一間昂貴的公寓 246 

    Dialogue 4: Looking at an Inexpensive Apartment 看一間便宜的公寓 248 

    Dialogue 5: Calling a Realtor 打電話找房屋仲介 250 

    Dialogue 6: Finding the Right Apartment 找到合意的公寓 252 

    Dialogue 7: Singing a Lease 簽租屋契約 254 

    Dialogue 8: Calling a Moving Company 打電話找搬家公司 256 

    Dialogue 9: Packing 打包 258 

    A Step Further 延伸學習 260 

    Section Nine 烹飪英語 269 

    Picture Dictionary: In a Kitchen 圖解廚房 270 

    Dialogue 1: Getting Started 著手準備 272 

    Dialogue 2: Preparing Soup and Salad 準備湯和沙拉 274 

    Dialogue 3: Preparing Side Dishes 準備副餐 276 

    Dialogue 4: Cooking Steak 煎牛排 278 

    Dialogue 5: Watching over Foods 監控食物的烹煮 280 

    Dialogue 6: Preparing Desserts 準備甜點 282 

    Dialogue 7: Serving 端菜上桌 284 

    A Step Further 延伸學習 286 

    Section Ten 電話英語 299 

    Picture Dictionary: Telecommunication 圖解電信設備 300 

    Dialogue 1: Leaving a Message 留言 302 

    Dialogue 2: Automated Answering Message 自動語音系統 304 

    Dialogue 3: Voice Mail 語音信箱 306 

    Dialogue 4: An Answering Machine 答錄機 308 

    A Step Further 延伸學習 310 

    Section Eleven 看診記 323 

    Picture Dictionary: In a Hospital 圖解醫院 324 

    Dialogue 1: Talking about a Toothache 討論牙痛 326 

    Dialogue 2: Making an Appointment and Signing In 預約掛號 328 

    Dialogue 3: Seeing a Dentist 看牙醫 330 

    Dialogue 4: Painful Possibilities 痛的幾種可能 332 

    Dialogue 5: The Injury 受傷 334 

    Dialogue 6: Registering 掛號 336 

    Dialogue 7: The Nurse's Questions 護士的問題 338 

    Dialogue 8: The Doctor 醫生 340 

    A Step Further 延伸學習 342 

    居家與校園篇 348 

    Section Twelve 打掃居家環境 349 

    Picture Dictionary: Buying Cleaning Supplies 購買清潔用品 350 

    Dialogue 1: What a Mess! 一團混亂! 352 

    Dialogue 2: Getting Started 開始動手 354 

    Dialogue 3: Working Hard, or Hardly Working ! 努力工作,或幾乎沒做什麼! 356 

    Dialogue 4: Clean at Last! 終於乾淨了! 358 

    A Step Further 延伸學習 360 

    Section Thirteen 組裝傢俱 363 

    Picture Dictionary: In a Workshop 在工作室 364 

    Dialogue 1: A DIY Project 自己動手做東西 366 

    Dialogue 2: Following the Directions? 遵照指示? 368 

    Dialogue 3: A New Bed 新床 370 

    Dialogue 4: Getting the Job Done! 完成工作! 372 

    A Step Further 延伸學習 374 

    Section Fourteen 美髮沙龍 377 

    Picture Dictionary: At the Beauty Salon 美髮沙龍 378 

    Dialogue 1: Hairstyles and Haircuts 髮型與剪髮 380 

    Dialogue 2: Pictures of Hairstyles 各式髮型照 382 

    Dialogue 3: Talking about Hair 討論髮型 384 

    Dialogue 4: Getting Your Hair Styled 頭髮造型 386 

    A Step Further 延伸學習 388 

    Section Fifteen 打工 391 

    Picture Dictionary: In a Gift Shop 在禮品店 392 

    Dialogue 1: Getting Started 準備開始 394 

    Dialogue 2: The Interview 面試 396 

    Dialogue 3: A Busy Job 忙碌的工作 398 

    Dialogue 4: Greener Grasses 更好的選擇 400 

    A Step Further 延伸學習 402 

    Section Sixteen 舞會 405 

    Picture Dictionary: At a School Dance 在學校舞會 406 

    Dialogue 1: Dangerous Dance Lessons 危險的舞蹈課 408 

    Dialogue 2: May I Cut In? 我可以插一腳嗎? 410 

    Dialogue 3: Changing Tunes 變換曲調 412 

    Dialogue 4: Hey, Mr. Deejay! 嘿,DJ先生! 414 

    A Step Further 延伸學習 416 

    Section Seventeen 急難英語 419 

    Picture Dictionary: Emergencies 緊急意外 420 

    Dialogue 1: Be Prepared 做好準備 422 

    Dialogue 2: Car Accidents 車禍 424 

    Dialogue 3: Lost in the Mountains 在山裡迷路 426 

    Dialogue 4: Getting Rescued 獲救 428 

    A Step Further 延伸學習 430 

    Section Eighteen 甜蜜情人節 433 

    Picture Dictionary: In a Luxury Restaurant 在高級餐廳裡 434 

    Dialogue 1: A Valentine's Day Gift 情人節禮物 436 

    Dialogue 2: A Special Gift 特別的禮物 438 

    Dialogue 3: A Crafty Plan 巧思妙計 440 

    Dialogue 4: A Labor of Love 為愛甘心奉獻 442 

    A Step Further 延伸學習 444 

    Section Nineteen 溫馨感恩節 447 

    Picture Dictionary: Thanksgiving Dinner感恩節晚餐 448 

    Dialogue 1: Thanksgiving Preparations 感恩節準備工作 450 

    Dialogue 2: Decorations and Traditions 佈置與傳統 452 

    Dialogue 3: Thanksgiving Dinner 感恩節晚餐 454 

    Dialogue 4: A Four-day Weekend 四天長週末 456 

    A Step Further 延伸學習 458 

    Section Twenty 歡樂聖誕節 461 

    Picture Dictionary: Christmas at Home 在家過聖誕 462 

    Dialogue 1: Decorating 佈置 464 

    Dialogue 2: Christmas Eve Dinner 聖誕夜大餐 466 

    Dialogue 3: Santa Claus 聖誕老人 468 

    Dialogue 4: Opening Presents 拆禮物 470 

    A Step Further 延伸學習 472 

    Answer Key 解答頁 474 



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